Medical sector
Rescom proposes chemicals for medical device (Class 1) and sanitary products for medical industries.
Due to chemists competence, the Rescom Lab can be the best chemical partner for you and your customers.
In the last years we focused our research on bioceramic applications for sanitary products. The research has been carried out in collaboration with our customers together with Universities and Research Centers.
HIGHLIGHTS: synthetic and natural latex for gloves and cohesive bands; 100% antifoam for supplement products; bioceramic membranes and paste used for saving body energy.
NEWS: bio-based formulations for different applications.
Rescom is a non pharmaceutical user and a non pharmaceutical distributor referred to Directive 2001/83/EC, amended as Directive 2011/627EU.
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The Rescom laboratory creates custom-made products and can carry out the necessary tests to fine-tune the desired performances.